Online advertising campaigns

Bespoke database with over 8000 candidates

Specialised job boards & social networking sites

E-recruitment & E-selection tools

E-CV screening procedures followed by face to face or online interviews

Qualified and experienced consultants



Additionally we also provide recruitment and selection services for those organisations wishing to engage staff on a permanent or fixed term contract basis. Our ethos is to form an immediate and strong relationship between the client and the individuals designated to fulfil the required activities. We understand that strong levels of engagement have a real and positive effect.

We have a desire to work with you as closely as possible to improve profitability, output and efficiency by providing people most suited to the job role and task in hand. We also understand that every organisation is different and we make it our business to understand exactly what it is you need and provide you with just that.

Our level of support to your business starts from the moment you first contact us right through the duration of the project and beyond. This dedication is one of the many key things that set us apart from other agencies.

There are many recruitment agencies offering various services, we do understand that recruiters possibly feature in the top five of most unwanted callers due to the volume of calls received, with this in mind we aim to develop relationships without the hard sell, through a mutual understanding and respect of how you wish to conduct your business.